
Here is where you’ll be able to find various interviews from various magazines/newspapers/fanzines that we’ve acquired from their original heyday. This is a very, very incomplete section so if there’s articles missing that you’re aware of/own, please send us an email at 

Click here for listenable interview audios


7/79 - ZigZag Magazine

9/8/79 - Melody Maker 

9/22/79 - NME

10/6/79 - Sounds Magazine 


1/80 - Slash Zine

3/80 - ZigZag

3/29/80 - Sounds

4/12/80 - Record Mirror

10/80 - Soho Weekly

10/80 - ZigZag

11/80 - Boston Rock

11/80 - New York Rocker

11/13/80 - Rolling Stone

11/15/80 - NME


1/81 - Take It! 

1/81 - Creem Magazine

1/31/81 - Melody Maker

5/30/81 - Melody Maker

6/10/81 - Hot Press Magazine (incomplete)

7/11/81 - NME

7/18/81 - Sounds

8/81 - DIY Magazine

8/81 - New York Times

9/81 - Rip It Up

10/1/81 - The Bob

12/81 - Trouser Press

81 - Unknown Magazine

81 - Overview Fanzine

81 - Flexipop #9


1/82 - Creem

7/8/82 - Record Mirror

9/82 - Record Magazine (incomplete)

9/10/82 - Melody Maker

11/82 - Public News

12/82 - The Rocket

12/82 - Rockbill

12/82 - Unicorn Times

82 - NME

82 - Boston Rock #34


1/83 - Rip It Up

2/83 - Creem

2/83 - Rip It Up

3/83 - Musician

3/21/83 - Public News

5/83 - Musician

11/83 - ZigZag (incomplete)

83 - Pulp Magazine


4/84 - Smash Hits

4/21/84 - No 1 Magazine

4/21/84 - Record Mirror

5/5/84 - Melody Maker

8/84 - Musician

8/84 - Rockbill

9/84 - Star Hits

9/28/84 - The Morning Call

10/15/84 - Aquarian Arts Weekly

11/16/84 - BAM Magazine

84 - Joyzine


3/15/86 - Melody Maker

6/21/86 - Sounds

6/21/86 - Melody Maker (incomplete)

7/86 - One Two Testing

9/24/86 - Smash Hits

9/27/86 - Record Mirror

9/86 - International Musician Magazine

11/86 - Winner

11/86 - Making Music


1/14/87 - Smash Hits - Personal File

1/24/87 - Sounds

1/31/87 - Record Mirror

1/87 - Rock Express #11

2/7/87 - Melody Maker

3/87 - Musician

4/87 - i-D

4/87 - Only Music

6/87 - Boston Globe

6/87 - Creem

6/87 - Star Hits

7/87 - Music Life

1987 - Audivisse - A Fur Piece 


6/18/88 - Melody Maker

8/6/88 - NME

8/6/88 - Melody Maker

8/22/88 - Record Mirror


11/11/89 - Melody Maker (incomplete)

11/18/89 - NME

11/89 - Puncture Magazine

12/7/89 - Scene Magazine


1/90 - Pulp Magazine

1/90 - Chicago Music Magazine

2/10/90 - Melody Maker

4/90 - B-Side Magazine

7/90 - Thrasher Magazine

1990 - The Bob Magazine


4/91 - Unknown Magazine (incomplete)

5/18/91 - NME

6/1/91 - Melody Maker

7/91 - Q Magazine

9/21/91 - Hits Magazine

10/91 - B-Side Magazine

10/31/91 - Los Angeles Times 

11/14/91 - Cleveland Scene

11/24/91 - Music Connection

12/91 - Alternative Press (incomplete)

91 - Details

2/15/92 - Northern Colorado Mirror


2000 - 2010
(All of the links below will redirect you to another website)

4/6/2001 - Las Vegas Sun 

4/12/2001 - Seattle Post

8/2/2000 - Choler Magazine

11/13/2001 - USA Today

11/14/2001 - Highwire Daze (Richard Fortus)

2001 - Robert Candy Interview (Richard Butler and Ian McCulloch)

1/2002 - Ink 19

6/2002 - iJamming Interview

9/18/2003 - Las Vegas Mercury 

4/7/2004 - Mountain Xpress (John Ashton) 

12/2004 - Ear Candy Magazine

3/28/2005 - Modern Guitars Magazine

3/30/2006 - Phoenix New Times 

4/2006 - Chronogram 

4/16/2006 - Bullz Eye

2006 - NewBeats

9/2010 - This Is Not Retro

10/12/2010 - CT Post

10/20/2010 - The Quietus

2011 - 2019
(All of the links below will redirect you to another website)

4/20/2011 - Houston Press 

5/6/2011 - Intermittent Signals 

7/6/2011 - Musoscribe

12/18/2012 - PopDose 

6/12/2013 - That Music Magazine 

7/17/2013 - St. Augustine Record 

7/23/2013 - The Murfreesboro Pulse 

8/23/2013 - Bomb Magazine

9/19/2013 - Songfacts 

3/9/2014 - Officially A Yuppie 

2015 - Freight+Volume

2015 - Veer 

2016 - Dave's On Tour 

1/19/2016 - White Hot Magazine 

5/16/2017 - PopDose 

5/7/2018 - The King's Necktie (Joe McGinty) 

7/24/2021 - Outline 

8/7/2017 - Louder Sound 

10/10/2017 - MassLive

12/2018 - Uncut Magazine

9/10/2019 - The Quietus (also this 2018 article from SistersFan's blog!)

12/12/2019 - Classic Pop Magazine 

2020 - Present

5/2020 - Mojo Magazine

5/14/2020 - Record Collector Magazine 

6/2020 - Uncut Magazine

7/23/2020 - Songfacts 

7/24/2020 - Huck Magazine 

7/24/2020 - Cryptic Rock 

7/27/2020 - Yahoo! Entertainment 

7/28/2020 - Rock Cellar Magazine 

7/30/2020 - Spin 

7/31/2020 - NPR 

7/31/2020 - Tidal 

7/31/2020 - Lancashire Times 

8/4/2020 - Magnet Magazine 

8/5/2020 - Hot Press 

8/5/2020 - WriteWyattUK 

9/21/2020 - The Guardian 

11/4/2020 - NME 

3/16/2021 - As If 

10/4/2021 - Pop Matters

1/30/2022 - Pedal of the Day 

9/2023 - Sactown Magazine

11/4/2023 - White Hot Magazine 

1/4/2024 - Louder Sound (Duncan Kilburn)

4/10/2024 - Collapse Board 

4/28/2024 - Palm Springs Life (Rich Good)

8/15/2024 - The Bradenton Times