About Us

This is the tale of two friends who found the driving force of their friendship to be a mutual adoration of The Psychedelic Furs. Upon extensive internet research from months and even years that have flown by, we believe that we have acquired enough knowledge and material to put everything on one big place for the people who feel as passionately about this band as we do. Archiving history as we know it is such an important thing between both of us, as well as an thrilling hobby to pass the time so why would we not start with archiving our mutual favorite band? That being said, here we are to present to you the most completed Psychedelic Furs archive that one could possibly make!

Although, nothing is ever fully complete! There’s a lot of dead ends, dead links, broken files & deleted information that has been lost over the course of time. We have opened an email for anyone who is willing (and I truly am begging) to help us complete the archive! Send us everything you have, even if we might have it already. We would be ecstatic to have others help us fill in all the cracks! The whole goal is to make this a community archival project with like minded people.

Contact Us

Anyway, contact us at soapcommercials@gmail.com if you may have any audios/videos/articles that are noticeable missing from this site- or any other inquiries you may have!

Let it stay forever now!